Proposed DMT trend naming convention - January 7, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------ (strawman for comment) XX:DMT-YYYY_RestOfName where XX = H0, H1, H2 where YYYY = 4-letter acronym for monitor (generic name, not specific instantiation): BCMN - BicoMon BITT - BitTest BRMS - BLRMS BRST - BurstMon BSTV - BurstVeto DAQL - DataQual EQMN - EQMon GLMN - GlitchMon IHST - IFO_Hist IRGB - Irig-B LINE - LineMon LCKL - LockLoss MVLT - MultiVolt OPLV - OpticalLever PTMN - PTMon PULS - PularMon RMSB - RMSBands SNSM - SenseMonitor SNSG - SensorGlitch SRVM - ServoMon SHAP - ShapeMon SPCA - SpectrumArchiver SPCF - SpectrumFold STAT - Station STCH - StochMon SUSP - SuspensionMon TIME - TimeMon WAVM - WaveMon ZGLT - ZGlitch and where RestOfName cannot exceed ?? characters, each of which must be drawn from alphanumerics or underscores. If numbers with decimal points are desirable, one can substitute a lower-case "d" for the point.