Goal: Produce site overview screen which: - has very high information density - provides "at a glance" ~real time comprehensive overview of a LIGO detector - covers alarms, medm, veto, diagnostic information and short performance history - intended for somewhat experienced people (no static info is displayed) - act as a link center for web pages used for toubleshoting - web browser readable but fully graphical with NO scrolling required on modern displays The first version will contain: - Each graph or number displayed - has an absolute minimum of static info displayed to inrease density (no labels, scales, etc.) - has pop up information to help interpretation (for the novice) (scales, synopsis, etc.) - has a hyperlink to provide the correct plot and explanation for the specific entity - 4 sidebars (upper, lower, left and right) - Left sidebar: - DMT monitor alarm indicators with links to detailed alarm pages - DAQ, LDAS alarms and links to up to date medm screenshots - Right sidebar: - interferometer status lights, info with links to relavant plots and screenshots - Top bar - descriptive numbers provided by DMT monitors (trigger density, veto rate, timing, etc.) - Bottom bar - moving banner containing less crucial but valuable information (runs twice between each refresh of the page) - Core region (Upper core and Lower core) - Upper core: - Contains narrow and lond strip charts: (Identical time axis) - spectrogram (whitened, processed, logarithmic time scale (TBD)) - band limited (LIGO band) RMS of AS_Q with marked vetoed regions - environmental strip chart (blrms of seismic channels) - time evolution of cruicial narrow bands of AS_Q (blrms) - astrophysical reach and coincident lock statistics (color coded strip) - Lower core: - Contains four rectangular graphs: - Calibrated spectra - processed AS_Q - composite high and low noise models (max and min for each bin for a given time) - acceptable region with (start tuningand stop tuning limits) - Lock strech and duty cycle history for multiple ifos - Histograms - TBD It is assumed that the display can handle 1280x1024 pixel resolution. Nominal refresh rate is ~2 minutes. Most graphs and numbers rely on existing (or soon to be) monitors, channels.