Outline of Duties on Scientific Monitoring Shifts 
for November 2000 Hanford Engineering Run (E2)

For the E2 run, it is planned to have four persons always present: the Operator, the Expert, and two "Trainees". The operator will carry out routine tasks (e.g., lock the pre-stabilized laser, the mode cleaner, a single arm, etc.) using well defined procedures. More complex tasks, such as alignment, locking a multi-cavity interferometer, or calibration, may not be so well prescribed. The official expert on shift (and perhaps other experts on call) may well be needed for these tasks. Trainees, as suggested by their title, should try to acquire expertise (including general understanding of IFO behavior) from the Expert and other experienced scientists on hand. Ideally, trainees should ultimately become expert enough to lead scientific monitoring shifts in future engineering runs and, of course, in the science run.
Duties: (very preliminary list - expected to grow!)