From Thu Mar 10 13:14:43 2005 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 10:14:38 -0800 (PST) From: Rauha J Rahkola To: Keith Riles Cc: David Shoemaker Subject: earthquake deadtime Hi Keith, David, Here's what I found out about S4 so far. Lockloss deadtime initiated by earthquakes* from 2/22 - 3/09: H1 1553min (of 4687min**) -- 33.1% of total deadtime H2 724min (of 4860min**) -- 14.9% of total deadtime L1 1242min (of 7150min**) -- 17.4% of total deadtime *as determined by e-log or eqMon entries. Time window for coincidence was [-3min,+1min] wrt the earthquake entry. Deadtime was determined as time from lockloss (LockLoss_StateVector<2) to regaining science mode (LockLoss_StateVector=4). **Total deadtime determined from cumulative science mode segments of 300sec or longer (i.e. daily conlog lists). Take care, Rauha