Minutes of S1 Detector Characterization Teleconference (June 21, 2002)


     Caltech: Brady, Brown, Drever, Kells, Lazzarini, Marka, Sanders, Zweizig
     Dublin: Ottewill
     Florida: Klimenko
     LHO: Ito, Raab
     LLO: Coles, Daw, Zotov
     LSU: Giaime
     Michigan: Riles
     MIT: Weiss
     Penn. State: Sutton
     Syracuse: Penn, Saulson

S1 Preparation:


Software Infrastructure Preparation:


Status of individual DMT monitors:

  • Dave Chin: LockLoss and ServoMon
    The saving of DMT viewer history is now working for both monitors. All of the new LockLoss IFO state conditions are defined, including a new 6-value plot for the DMT viewer requested by Daniel.  The 2-week summary of livetime for Szabi is done. The thresholds to use in ServoMon still need to be set. KR will work on that at LHO next week. Dave is currently fighting a bug in the trend output, but hopes to have it fixed by the end of the day.

  • A.O.B