Minutes of Detector Characterization Teleconference (July 23, 2004)


      Baton Rouge: Giovanni Santostasi
     Caltech: Szabi Marka, Peter Shawhan, John Zweizig
     Carleton: Nelson Christensen
     LHO: Ben Johnson, Mike Landry, Steve Penn
     LLO: Gaby Gonzalez, Natalia Zotov
     Michigan: Keith Riles
     Oregon: Robert Schofield

S2 / S3 Investigation Reports:

Nelson summarized recent work on compiling lists of lines coherent between the IFO AS_Q channels and a variety of auxiliary PEM channels. There will soon be line lists, ordered by channel and by frequency. Nelson and Sarah are looking over a list of unknown lines that turned up in Szabi's GRB analysis. Peter Shawhan wondered why there were so many lines with strengths just above the threshold of 0.05 for coherenece and suggested they may be noise fluctuations. Keith suggested looking at histograms to understand the issue. Steve Penn suggested providing additional tables ordered by frequencies, but with varying thresholds. John Zweizig mentioned he has a handy utility for sorting on the DMT machines.