Rough outline of investigation into E3 lock losses 3/2/01 -------------------------------------------------- Participants: Bill Butler, David Chin, Dick Gustafson, Masahiro Ito, Keith Riles Pre-run: Ensure that our lock-transition monitor works correctly at both sites. The software has been tested in private directories and has been given to John for incorporation into the standard set of E3 monitors. During run: Provide an online measure of locking live-time (percentage of time after start of E3 for which IFO is in a locked stretch >= 1 minute). Keep our eyes and ears open! Carry out on-the-fly investigations of suspect channels with data viewer (playback mode) and diagnostic test tool. Test hypotheses where feasible. Watch for coil saturation effects seen in E2. Pay attention to effective gains in longitudinal servo channels. Look for correlations with transients. After run: Post on the web a list of all lock transitions at both sites See where we stand on lock losses of unknown origin: * More investigations with data viewer and test tool * Check correlations with other DMT monitors, including Masahiro's impulse monitor.