Update on S5DQ work - July 28, 2006

Somewhat recent DQ flag insertions:

Upcoming revisions: (version N --> version N+1)

Comments on version numbers:

At the moment LSCsegFind does not support queries based on DQ version numbers. One cannot ask for version 1, 2, etc., much less ask for the "latest" version for a given time. Segwizard, however, does support querying of version numbers based on the once per day segment dumps.

I have requested an upgrade of LSCsegFind to support version numbers, but in the meantime, it's probably best to use segwizard and live with the up-to-1-day latency.

Detector E-Log entries:

Tiffany Summerscales (now at Andrews University in Michigan) has volunteered to compile intervals for DQ flagging from the detector e-logs at the two observatories.

Keith Riles