E-mail report excerpt from Nelson Christensen on the interchannel correlations investigation:

I've got a student at this task full time. Right now we are looking at
AS_Q, the optical levers, and seismometers at LLO (from S2).

We are looking, for example, at signals from ITMX-OPLEV_POUT,

Correlations from various data stretches are attached (fig 1, fig2), Always see a
correlation around 40 Hz, which gets much stronger during times when
"glitches" occur (a glitch as defined as an event found by inspiral

12 Hz is another active point.

Also common for correlations at or about 80 Hz and 100 Hz to rise up
during noisy times.

We are in the process of creating a web page where we post results and
write up observations. I'll forward that address to the detector
characterization group when that happens.
