From Thu Jun 19 11:52:51 2008
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:51:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: Shantanu Desai 
To: Keith Riles , John Zweizig 
Cc: Peter Shawhan 
Subject: Proposed L1 TCS DQ flags for second year using Peter's scripts

I presume you are still in charge of maintaining the DQ flags.
If so, I would like to propose that the following intervals be
APPENDED to the existing TCS_GLITCH_LOUD flags for L1 only.


I suggest +/- 2 second be padded around the above intervals which is what
you originally used for tcs flags. This would be a category 2 flag.

In addition, I propose that there be two other new L1 DQ flags
which correspond to light dips of 10 % and 20 % (similar to light dips in
ASC-QPD{X,Y}_DC). The intervals for these can be found at (10

and (20

These would be Category 4 flags.
(All these times were found using Peter's scripts originally developed for
light dips in QPDX channels)

All details are at

As you can see from the bottom, this study is still in progress and there
should be another final update in about 3 weeks. But I thought I will give
you what I have in hand now (since people in burst group are soon planning
to reprocess the 2nd year data)

Right now, I don't have plans for running it on 1st year of data since the
burst group has opened its box on the first year. But it can always be
applied as a sanity check on any event candidates from first year.

Once the new S5 frames were produced (don't know the time-scale for that),
then obviously K-W or Zglitch should be applied to the 1KHz TCS AC
channel and that should be able to catch almost all the L1 TCS glitches.

Anyhow if there are any questions or clarifications on this let me know.

Shantanu, Peter