Elevated and High Seismic Noise at LHO

Robert Schofield believes that gravel trucks driving by the Hanford Observatory on Route 10 are reliably flagged by a value of 1000 or more on the band-limited RMS minute trend H0:PEM-LVEA_SEISZ_3-10Hz. See, for example, his elog entry of December 5, 2003, showing lock losses associated with trucks.

Consequently, I have defined two flags: SEISMIC_ELEVATED which uses Robert's 1000-count threshold and cuts out about 8% of the S3 time period, and SEISMIC_HIGH which uses a threshold of 2000 counts and cuts out about 1.5% of the S3 time period. Please note that these flags also catch other, non-truck-related, elevated seismic activity.

From scanning archived minute trends of the above band-limited rms channel, I've produced the following files:

Elevated seismic noise (threshold = 1000 counts):

High seismic noise (threshold = 2000 counts):

K. Riles (September 16, 2004)