Sketchy notes on S3 segment list auto-generation Peter Shawhan December 1, 2003 I have set up a cron job at each site to generate an up-to-date cumulative segment list for the S3 run every 5 minutes. The lists are written to files called S3H1v00_segs.txt, etc., and have four values per line: segment number, start time, stop time, and duration. The cron job simply executes the 'generate_S3_seglists' script. At LHO, the cron job runs on the h1injection machine; at LLO, it runs on the control14 machine. In both cases, it runs under the 'ops' account. For example, at LHO, the crontab line (on h1injection, user 'ops') is: 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59 * * * * /cvs/cds/lho/web/scirun/S3/LockStatistics/S3segments/generate_S3_seglists