Compilation by Betsy Bland of miscellaneous H2 anomalies during the S3 run

S3 2k Segment Anomolies as found via the elog and conlog, listed by SEGNUM and followed by elog date and author.

OOC = Out of Configuration

NC = New Configuration

Noise = reports that segment seemed "worse" than normal for whatever reason

FD = False drop from SM (accidental)

 33      NC     No Cal. Lines on.                                                       11/4/03  MGuenther
 36      NC     MICH loop gain change -1.00 to -1.577                                     11/6/03  SBallmer
 70-71   FD     PSL setpoint too low, caused alarm, false drop of SM.                     11/9/03
 80      NC     Removed MICH loop 12HZ RG filter and changed gain from -1.577 to -1.116.  11/10/03  Rana
 83      NC     ETMy side loop gain change.                                               11/11/03  Rana
 109-110 FD     DV dropped EXC from TPMan, although TPs were active.                      11/14/03  CVorvick
 114     NC     New E/ITM SUSPOS filtering.                                               11/13/03  SBallmer
 115     OOC    No Cal. Lines enabled.                                                    11/19/03
 196     Noise  Bad IR.                                                                   11/21/03  VParameshwariah
 222     Noise  Baler/traffic along arms last half hour of segment.                       11/24/03
 223     Noise  Baler/traffic along arms first half hour of segment.                      11/24/03
 239     NC     New WFS1 filtering & gain change, FMx OL yaw gain changed.                11/26/03  GMoreno
 244     NC     New ETM violin filters.                                                   11/27/03  CVorvick
 266     NC     41.75Hz Cal. Line amplitude cut down by factor of 3.                      12/2/03   MLandry
 368     NC     New MICH and PRC Loop filtering (added 60 Hz comb and power line).        12/15/03  CVorvick
 370     OOC    MICH and PRC filtering reverted back temporarily..??                      12/15/03
 372     OOC    MICH and PRC filtering reverted back temporarily..??                      12/15/03
 375     OOC    MICH and PRC filtering reverted back temporarily..??                      12/15/03
 400     OOC    No Cal. Lines enabled.                                                    12/17/03
 403     NC     MICH and PRC loop gains changed.                                          12/17/03  CGray
 455     NC     OPLEVs rezeroed and loop gains reset.                                     12/19/03  NHindman
 541     NC     MICH and PRC loop gains reverted back to values before SEGNUM 403.        12/25/03  CVorvick
 541-560 OOC    FM OPLEV notch filter disabled to help ride out high microseism.          12/25/03  CVorvick
 583-584 FD     TPMan issue - EXC remained active during SM drop.                         12/29/03
 605     OOC    Brief FAULT on h2adcumy from 12/30 18:26-18:30 UTC.  Cleared itself.      12/30/03  CGray